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SEND - Special Educational Needs 

At Caldecote we are lucky to have two SENDCos’ (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Coordinators). They oversee the provision for children who have a special educational or developmental need and coordinate information between home, the nursery and outside professionals to ensure each child is cared and provided for in a way that is right for them. They have knowledge of processes, procedures and paperwork, who to contact with queries and referrals, and access to different resources and tools to help measure a child’s progress and to help in their continued development.


SENDCos' work alongside staff in identifying children who may have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), especially the child’s key person, and our families who know the child best.




 We have been successful in achieving our W.Inc.K.S award (Warwickshire Inclusion Kite-marking Scheme)  in July 2022 and a Silver W.Inc.K.S in July 2023 and 2024, 


This award recognises all that the staff do to support children and their families with additional needs.






Our Local Offer

We build positive secure relationships with children and families which help us to communicate well. When your child starts at the nursery we try to make the transition between home and nursery as smooth as possible, encouraging visits to the nursery so you and your child can meet your child’s Key Person.

Parents are asked to complete child information forms prior to their start date. This ensures that we know as much as possible about the child who will be joining us and enables the Key Person to plan activities that are suitable for the child and their interests. If parents have any concerns relating to their child’s development they are encouraged to highlight this to their Key Person.

We complete an ongoing observational assessment of all the children using the Early Years Foundation Stage through focused and spontaneous observations, we also complete a two-year progress check for all children attending the setting to ensure that are developing in the 3 Prime areas of learning and development.

This helps the Key Person to identify children’s individual needs and therefore act if additional support is required. If additional support is required the Key Person will speak with the SENDCO and parents. A meeting will be arranged to discuss strategies/plans or agencies that can support the child. The SENCO will produce an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for the child with the support of the Key Person and Parents. The SENCO will make the necessary referrals to the appropriate agencies with parental consent.


Warwickshire's Local Offer

Warwickshire’s SEND local offer brings together information about the local services and support available across education, health and social care for families with children and young people aged 0 to 25, who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. 

Further information about this can be found here: